Monday, November 8, 2010

Throws Like a Girl Begins

This is my first post, and let's be honest it could be a total disaster. Or more likely, it will not be a disaster at all because no one is ever going to read this. With that said, I feel the need to have an outlet for my sports discussions because no one has the stamina or interest to listen to me anymore. Yes, I admit, I am a freak. A sports freak. This would be bad enough if I were a guy, but I am a 28 year old woman. I don't know where I got my sports obsession from. My parents don't even like sports that much. My father will watch a little bit of football, but really it is just an excuse for him to take a nap in his recliner on Sunday afternoons. My mother, being the supportive parent that she is, put up with the obsession as long as she could, but finally gave and declared with some exasperation that I would watch a game of Tiddly-Winks if it were televised. I think that this is a bit of an exaggeration... Chess maybe, but Tiddly-Winks I think is going to far. Seriously though, I watch sports all the time. My favorite of course is the NFL (whose isn't really when we are all being honest), but I will watch pretty much anything. I am from the South and a Georgia girl, so College Football is a must (although is has been a painful season, hopefully Uga VIII will bring us better luck). I also live in Atlanta, so the Braves are huge for me. Basketball is always highly entertaining in both the NBA and college. Who doesn't love a Grand Slam tennis match? And yes, I watch Soccer.... and I love it. I watched every game of the World Cup and am now anticipating the Women's World Cup next summer. The EPL (English Premier League for all you non-soccer people) is always an enjoyable watch. Basically, I can fill up an entire week with sports watching. Sad, I know. As you can see, the obsession is real and may be bordering on a problem, but I accept who I am and at 28, it is probably too late to change it anyway.

Because people are getting tired of listening to my analysis and rantings I have decided to write a blog. Probably no one will listen to me here either, but at least I can pretend. I came up with the title "Throws Like a Girl" because my uncle once said that and then I nearly took his head off with a baseball, and that saying has had a forever different meaning to him. Therefore, readers of this blog beware, yes I am female, but I probably know more about and watch more sports than most of you. So, we'll see how this goes, but I hope that you enjoy it if you read it!

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